Post-Test: Social-Emotional

Post-Test: Social-Emotional

The questions refer to the age at which children typically perform each skill.

  1. What is social and emotional development?
    1. Development of the capacity of the child from birth through five years of age to form close and secure adult and peer relationships
    2. Regulation, and expression of emotions in socially and culturally appropriate ways
    3. Exploration of the environment and learning—all in the context of family, community, and culture
    4. All of the above
  2. Few infants are born biologically ready for relationships.
    1. True
    2. False
  3. How do mental health consultants promote young children’s social and emotional development?
    1. Support social and emotional wellness for young children
    2. Refer parents to appropriate services
    3. Identify children with social and emotional problems and provide intervention treatment to them
    4. A & B above
  4. At what age do children experience intense feelings when separating or reuniting with parents sometimes called stranger anxiety?
    1. Nine to twelve months
    2. Twelve to eighteen months
    3. Eighteen to twenty-four months
  5. At approximately what age do children begin to cry to signal pain, hunger, or distress?
    1. Birth to three months
    2. Three to six months
    3. Six to nine months
  6. At what age do children participate primarily in parallel play?
    1. Eighteen to twenty-four months
    2. Three to five years
    3. Two to three years
  7. Which scenario is a red flag for a potential social and emotional concern?
    1. Kyle (13 months) is new in the classroom and has just begun to walk. He walks around and explores the classroom. Kyle never checks to see where his caregivers are and he usually walks to the adjoining classroom.
    2. Jaymin (13 months) runs to the kitchen area to get a banana and tries to peel it.
    3. At the end of the day, David’s (eighteen months) father comes to pick him up from child care. As soon as he sees his father he squeals, “Daddy!” and runs toward him. His father picks him up and says “Hey buddy! I am so happy to see you.”
  8. There are so many influences in children’s lives that the loving messages that a primary caregiver sends to an infant or toddler cannot possibly impact that child for more than a brief time.
    1. True
    2. False
  9. Consultants do not need to be well informed of the array of community services available for young children and families because they themselves can provide most of what families will need.
    1. True
    2. False

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