A consultant’s attributes or personality traits are one of his/her most valuable tools in achieving effective ECMHC. The relationship-based and collaborative nature of consultation necessarily calls for individuals with demeanors that facilitate partnering with and engaging others. Several critical consultant attributes that foreshadow success include:
- Respectful — values others’ opinions
- Open-minded/non-judgmental — accepts people for who they are
- Reflective
- Flexible — will adjust schedule and modify strategies as needed
- Approachable/easy to talk to
- Good listener
- Trustworthy
- Compassionate/empathetic
- Team player
- Willing to be hands-on and not just stand in the corner
- Reliable, dependable
- Self-motivated
- Positive/upbeat
- Patient — recognizes that change takes time
- Persistent — does not give up if there is resistance to change
- Loves children — shares the “children come first” mentality
- Warm/people person