Day, M. & Parlakian, R. (2003). How culture shapes social-emotional development: Implications for practice in infant-family programs. Washington, D.C.: ZERO TO THREE.
Early Head Start National Resource Center @ ZERO TO THREE, 2010. Revisiting and Updating the Multicultural Principles for Head Start Programs Serving Children Ages Birth to Five: Addressing Culture and Home Language in Head Start Program Systems & Services. Washington DC: Office of Head Start.
Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development (1995). The Program for Infant/Toddler Caregivers, Trainer’s Manual Module IV: Culture, Family and Providers, Sheila M. Signer and Sylvia Stein Wright (Eds.) Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education.
Hepburn, K. (2004). Building Culturally & Linguistically Competent Services to Support Young Children, Their Families, and School Readiness. Baltimore, MD: The Annie E. Casey Foundation. Available online at
Lane, M. and Signer, S. (1996). Infant /Toddler Caregiving: A guide to creating partnerships with parents. Center for Child and Family Studies, WestEd/Far West Laboratory. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education
Mackrain, M., Perry, D.F., Pell, K., and Yates, D. (2011). Maryland Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC) Guide: Standards, Rationale and Guidance for the State of Maryland. Baltimore, MD: Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Division of Early Childhood Development.
National Center on Cultural Competence (NCCC). The mission of the NCCC is to increase the capacity of health care and mental health care programs to design, implement, and evaluate culturally and linguistically competent service delivery systems to address growing diversity, persistent disparities, and to promote health and mental health equity. The NCCC provides training, technical assistance, and consultation; contributes to knowledge through publications and research; creates tools and resources to support health and mental health care providers and systems; supports leaders to promote and sustain cultural and linguistic competency; and collaborates with an extensive network of private and public entities to advance the implementation of these concepts.
Office of Head Start National Center on Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness. This center provides the Head Start community with research-based information, practices, and strategies to ensure optimal academic and social progress for linguistically and culturally diverse children and their families.
Saldana, D. (2001). Cultural Competency: A Practical Guide for Mental Health Service Providers. Hogg Foundation for Mental Health. Austin, TX: The University of Texas at Austin.
Sareen, H., Russ, S, Viscencio, D., & Halfon, N. (2004). The Role of State Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems in Promoting Cultural Competence and Effective Cross-cultural Communication. In: Halfon, N., Rice, T, and Inkelas, M., eds. Building State Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Series, No. 8. Los Angeles, CA: National Center for Infant and Early Childhood Health Policy at UCLA.
ZERO TO THREE (2003). Culture and caregiving: Goals, Expectations, & Conflict. Journal of ZERO TO THREE National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families, May, Vol. 25, No. 3.