Resources for Training & Technical Assistance (T&TA) Providers
The Office of Head Start encourages Head Start and Early Head Start programs to access training and technical assistance (T/TA) to achieve high-quality implementation of the performance standards. Head Start and Early Head Start programs have their own program funds to hire local, state or national experts to provided specialized training and technical assistance related to early childhood metal health.
Currently, there are more than 40 Head Start Performance Standards that relate to mental health. Programs need access to evidence-based strategies to promote mental wellness in families, staff and children. They also need practical tools to help children who may be at higher risk for mental health problems, due to family or community risk factors. And Head Start programs are always seeking effective strategies to address challenging behavior in young children.
The products developed by the CECMHC are designed to give tools to T/TA providers to:
- help HS programs assess the quality of their approach to mental health;
- build capacity to support and sustain evidence-based strategies in their Head Start programs; and
- provide guidance and resources that can support a continuum of high-quality mental health services and supports to children, families and staff in Head Start programs.
Materials for T&TA Providers
Key Resources:
- The Georgetown Model of ECMHC for School-Based Settings
- Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Self-Assessment and Resources Crosswalk
- Best Practice Tutorials Series (1-10)
- Developing and Implementing a Programwide Vision for Effective Mental Health Consultation (PDF)
- Cohen, E., and Kaufmann, R. Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation. DHHS Pub. No. CMHS-SVP0151. Rockville, MD: Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2005.
- Hepburn, K. S., & Kaufmann, R. K. A Training Guide for the Early Childhood Services Community. DHHS Pub. No. CMHS-SVP0152. Rockville, MD: Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2005.
- Kaufmann, R., Perry, C., Irvine, M., Duran, F., Hepburn, K., and Anthony, B.Creating Practice-Based Principles for Effective Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Services, Washington DC: Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development, 2010
T/TA Ready Resources:
Additional Resources for T/TA:
- Find additional resources and materials, using the Search function for All Resources A-Z .
When planning training and technical assistance, please remember our Copyright Policy:
Materials developed on this site are protected by Georgetown University’s copyright policies. However, we encourage you to download them for use in your work.
- Permission is not required if the material is to be (1) used unaltered and (2) proper credit is given to the authors and to the Center for ECMHC (CECMHC).
- Permission is required if the material is to be (1) modified in any way; (2) used in broad distribution; or (3) used for commercial purpose.