Outcome Measures for IECMHC – Results

Outcome Measures for IECMHC – Results

Search Results

Displaying 2 records.

Arnett Caregiver Interaction Scale (CIS)

Level: Teacher-Child Relationship
Type of Tool: Measure
Construct: Caregiver-child relationship
Respondent: Trained observer/trained rater
Language(s): English
Length: Approximately 2 hours

Description: Observer-rated measure of caregiver’s behavior in interactions with children, capturing both positive and negative facets, with separate versions based on child age
Subscales: Sensitivity, Harshness, Detachment, and Permissiveness.
Published Psychometrics? Yes
See for example: Colwell, N., Gordon, R. A., Fujimoto, K., Kaestner, R., & Korenman, S. (2013). New evidence on the validity of the Arnett Caregiver Interaction Scale: Results from the early childhood longitudinal study-birth cohort. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28(2), 218-233.
Citation for Tool: Arnett, J. (1989). Caregivers in day-care centers: Does training matter? Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 10(4):541–552. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0193-3973(89)90026-9.
In the Public Domain? Yes - Available freely online on the University of Virginia Curry School of Education and Human Development website

Student-Teacher Relationships Scale (Pianta 2001)

Level: Teacher-Child Relationship
Type of Tool: Measure
Construct: Caregiver-child relationship
Respondent: Teacher
Language(s): English
Length: Short form is recommended by developer and has 15 items

Description: Examines teachers’ relationships with an individual child in their classroom in the areas of conflict and closeness
Subscales: Closeness, Conflict
Published Psychometrics? Yes
Pianta, R. C., & Steinberg, M. (1992). Teacher‐child relationships and the process of adjusting to school. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1992(57), 61-80.
Citation for Tool: Pianta, R. (2001). Student–Teacher Relationship Scale–Short Form. Lutz, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.
In the Public Domain? Yes - Available freely online on the Frank Porter Graham UNC website

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