Found 278 Resources

2022 CoE Conference (Workshop Session): Developing a culturally responsive, anti racist, statewide IECMHC system: Centering the margin

Primary Focus Area: Early Childhood System
Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars

2022 CoE Conference (Workshop Session): Developing Essential Activities of IECMHC: Workshop to Explore Equity in Action

A workshop featuring preliminary results from a consensus-building (Delphi) study on the essential activities of IECMHC. The study is designed not only to shed light on what consultants do, but on how they do it in a way that infuses equity and fosters positive relationships between and among consultees.
Primary Focus Area: Service Delivery
Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars

2022 CoE Conference (Workshop Session): Enhancing the IECMHC’s Toolbox to Talk to Children About Race

In the past two years, IECMHCs have had to expand their responsibilities to address the stressors of the COVID and racial pandemics. In particular, teachers and caregivers have had to have conversations with young children about the racial divide and race, which for some was something that they were unprepared or unsure of how to discuss with young children. Conversations about race should be a part of the IECMHC role and integrated under the foundational knowledge and culture competencies of the IECMHC. This presentation will incorporate an accumulation of lessons learned from serving as an IECMHC, teaching diversity classes, and reviewing current literature, to provide other IECMHCs with tools and resources on how to have developmentally appropriate conversations about race, with young children.
Primary Focus Area: Equity
Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars

2022 CoE Conference (Workshop Session): Exploring the Impact of Racial Equity Support with AZ’s IECMHC Workforce

We will present findings from a small evaluation conducted by Dr. Flora Farago in partnership with Indigo Cultural Center. The goal of this study was to explore the impact of a racial equity professional development training and support effort with the IECMHC program in Arizona, known as Smart Support. This racial equity training and support effort was led by Dr. Eva Marie Shivers, spanned 4 years, and included consultants, supervisors and senior leadership. The findings have implications for designing ongoing PD efforts focused on racial equity for consultants as well as supervisors. In addition, we will share results that compare the impact of a more consistent, deeper focus on racial equity versus annual all-staff exposure to racial equity. Panelists’ shared perspectives will include research/evaluation; reflective supervision; mental health consultation.
Primary Focus Area: Outcomes
Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars

2022 CoE Conference (Workshop Session): Going Where the Children Are: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Across Sectors

This panel discussion will feature IECMHC programs serving professionals in childcare, pediatrics, obstetrics, and home visiting. Presenters will share experiences from one state’s cross-sector efforts to support providers serving majority low-income minority populations in their efforts to promote development, screen for/recognize mental health challenges, support/guide children/families, and connect families with services in the community, as needed. Panelists will discuss activities, principles, and tools used by IECMHCs, noting commonalities/differences between settings. Sector-specific special considerations and findings will be highlighted. Embedded in the discussion will be an understanding that the work of consultants and consultees across settings must recognize and address the impact of inequity on children and families of color, support resilience-building, and share hope with families who are disproportionately affected by systemic issues.
Primary Focus Area: Service Delivery
Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars

2022 CoE Conference (Workshop Session): Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation as a Support for Children in Foster Care

This workshop covers special considerations for Mental Health Consultants serving children in the foster care system.
Primary Focus Area: Foster Care
Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars

2022 CoE Conference (Workshop Session): Inspiring Equity & Inclusion with IECMHC

Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMH-C) in Ohio is improving equity and inclusion in innovative ways. We know the earlier the social, emotional, mental, and behavioral health needs of children are addressed the better the outcomes. Ohio’s IECMH-C Model addresses the needs of the individual child facing expulsion and improves the relational health amongst peers while promoting adult wellness. An IECMH Consultant & Master Trainer with 20+ years in the field and a visionary Childcare Center Director will explore how we are working together to put policy into practice.
Primary Focus Area: Equity
Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars

2022 CoE Conference (Workshop Session): Naqayeht’ana T’uh Our Community Place

The purpose of this presentation is to share insights from two indigenous Head Start program leaders and their mental health consultants in order to understand how historical traumas and injustices of Alaska Native Peoples have helped to frame mental health supports and services in their program. The speakers will share how they have worked to develop a sense of community place, Naquayht' ana Tuh, through a focus on Alaska Native values that are infused in their environment, curriculum, vision, and culture in order to support Native children and their families to reach their full potential, of which mental health is a central component. The speakers will share how they have begun to infuse the Pyramid Model framework while aligning with their mission and values, emphasizing culturally-responsive practices.
Primary Focus Area: Tribal Communities
Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars

2022 CoE Conference (Workshop Session): Ohio’s IECMH Journey: Building a Statewide IECMH Consultation Model From Logic to Outcomes

Speakers: - Valerie Alloy: State IECMH SME, Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services - Maureen Black: IECMH Workforce Coordinator, Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services - Lisa Golden: IECMH State Administrator, Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Primary Focus Area: Program Design
Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars

2022 CoE Conference (Workshop Session): Parental Engagement from Promotion to Prevention

This workshop features guidance on parental engagement based on 15 years of experience at the Louisiana Statewide Child Consultation Program at Tulane University - TIKES.
Primary Focus Area: Family Engagement
Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars

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This product was developed [in part] under grant number 1H79SM082070-01 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The views, policies and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA or HHS.