In their workshop, “You Are My Other Me," First-Generation and BIPOC-affirming practitioners Sunny Cho and Jenny Lopez delve into the transformative power of Reflective Consultation Groups in the realm of Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation. By intertwining their personal stories, both will share on the inception, design, implementation, and evaluation of virtual Reflective Consultation Groups offered across early education centers throughout California, since the inception of the COVID-19 global pandemic to present. Both will reflect openly on the evolution of Reflective Consultation Groups, paralleling their own growth stories - now focusing on creating a supportive community for early education professionals, as well as offering emotional respite and fostering brave dialogues around collective grief and loss, racial trauma, and systematic oppression. Sunny and Jenny aim to inspire fellow consultants to embrace Reflective Group Consultation as a tool for both personal and collective growth, and helpful in promoting a culture of wellness among early childhood education communities. This workshop will emphasize the importance of co-facilitation in Reflective Consultation Groups as a deliberate practice to enhance workforce development and long-term sustainability. Primary Focus Area: Reflective Supervision Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars
The presentation will provide an example of a public/private funded program model for county-wide IECMHC. This presentation is intended for county or state leaders to see one example of the intentional braiding of IECMHC and Pyramid Model and the steps taken to implement a county-wide program for Early Care and Education providers. The presentation will include discussions on the following: (1) the design of the program; (2) the logic model; (3) the evaluation plan; (4) the data system; (5) funding streams; and (6) outcomes from 2018-2021.
The Start Well Program is founded on the principles of equity. Children should have access to adults who are responsive to their individual needs and deliver culturally responsive practices which promote social and emotional development, prevent challenging behaviors, and identify early mental health needs. We know that when children present with challenging behaviors, they are communicating an unmet need or needs. Start Well uses the IECMHC process and Pyramid Model practices to ensure the adults working with children are confident and competent in identifying and supporting the needs of each child in their care, which will eliminate suspensions and expulsions and lead to a positive trajectory for school and life. Primary Focus Area: Equity Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars
Plenary session on COVID-19 stress and trauma, racial aggression, bias, and why IECMHC is needed now more than ever. Primary Focus Area: Equity Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars
This panel session will highlight IECMHC in Tribal Nations with presenters focusing on similarities, differences and successes, and challenges encountered in their work. Primary Focus Area: Equity Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars
Plenary session on racial equity and IECMHC and the expansive equity lens. Primary Focus Area: Equity Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars
The CoE has hosted an eight-part series of Equity Chats that have unpacked the revised IECMH Consultant Competencies to examine the consultant’s role in supporting equity in IECMHC. This final session in this series will focus on the System-Wide Orientation competency and provide examples of ways IECMH consultants can address issues of equity to disrupt bias and disparities, and improve child outcomes. Primary Focus Area: Equity Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars
A panel of IECMHC consultants will offer their experiences and insights into providing equity, diversity, inclusion (DEI), and anti-racism centered IECMHC to providers, caregivers, and programs. The panelists will describe and discuss their own journeys in enhancing their self-awareness and how they support consultees’ capacity to examine the impact of DEI, power and privilege on child and adult behavior and this awareness enhances IECMHC’s effectiveness. Primary Focus Area: Equity Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars
Plenary session on 14 ways to dismantle systemic racism in early care and education. Primary Focus Area: Equity Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars
This session will leverage adult learning principles to describe Colorado’s efforts to solidify a high-quality, statewide consultation model that responsively meets the needs of diverse children, families and providers, while also being adopted by practitioners, administered to fidelity, and subject to evaluation. It will also include reference to the broad set of thought partners and intentional outreach including a national scan of what is working well, targeted core teams, workshops, focus groups and online surveys required to develop a high impact, efficacious and equitable model of consultation. As we move into 2022, we would like to share the progress we have made, the lessons learned, efforts to infuse equity, and our next steps in building evidence for the Colorado model in the hope it provides insight to other similarly positioned states and programs Primary Focus Area: Program Design Resource Type: Online Trainings/Tutorials/Webinars
This product was developed [in part] under grant number 1H79SM082070-01 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The views, policies and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA or HHS.