Infant Mental Health Specialists: Resources

For more information about infant mental health and early childhood mental health consultation, explore the following resources listed as Articles and Publications or by Organization/Publisher.  Articles and Publications Integrating and adapting infant mental health principles in the training of consultants to child care. (2005). K. Johnston and C. Brinamen. Infants & Young Children, Vol. 18, No. 4

Defining IMH

Infants playing with toys

Although the field of infant mental health has been around for several decades, the term infant mental health can still be unfamiliar to families and those working with young children and families in a variety of disciplines (education, health, social work, mental health, etc.). To some, the phrase mental health evokes the idea and stigma of

This product was developed [in part] under grant number 1H79SM082070-01 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The views, policies and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA or HHS.