Equity Chat Office Hours

Equity Chat Office Hours

The Center of Excellence for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (CoE for IECMHC) is pleased to offer dedicated office hours to supplement its ongoing Equity Chat series: Unpacking the Revised Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Competencies. The office hours are designed to go deeper into questions about the IECMHC competencies and will be facilitated by Children’s Equity Project Project Director, Lisa Gordon, and CoE for IECMHC Faculty, Kadija Johnston.

Equity Chat Office Hours Schedule*: Every two-three months from 12:00pmET – 1:30pmET

Competency 1: The Role of the IECMHC Consultant & Competency 2: Foundational Knowledge – October 29, 2021

Register here: https://georgetown.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rfuugqzMiG9MuNJdmaAzZ2JW3kpJ8isW-

*2022 sessions will be shared at a later time

This product was developed [in part] under grant number 1H79SM082070-01 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The views, policies and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA or HHS.