Applications Open for Georgetown IECMH Certificate Program – Fall 2021

Applications Open for Georgetown IECMH Certificate Program – Fall 2021

The Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies (SCS) and the Center for Child & Human Development (CCHD) are proud to announce the establishment of the Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Program starting in the Fall 2021 semester.

The Infant Mental Health Program consists of three non-credit professional certificates. These certificates are targeted towards professional clinicians, consultants, and community health workers in the field of infant mental health.

Using Georgetown’s Flex Learning technology, the program consists of three professional certificates that are offered to a global community. Class learning modalities for each certificate will include:

  • Synchronous Zoom lectures
  • Synchronous Zoom Group discussions
  • Asynchronous Canvas discussion boards
  • Reading assignments
  • Presentations

About the Professional Certificates 

The Certificate in Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health is a comprehensive program for professionals seeking to deepen their clinical knowledge and experience working with parents and young children. Participants will have the opportunity to review, discuss, and synthesize cutting-edge materials and learn from luminaries in the infant mental health field.

With a combination of monthly live presentations, reflective dialogue, and asynchronous learning, participants will engage in dynamic discussions with thought leaders and peers from around the country. Central to the program is an anti-racist approach when working with families and children. Additionally, the program intentionally integrates diversity, equity, and culture throughout the program. The program provides networking opportunities, leveraging connections that have been built among the faculty with infant and early childhood mental health professionals across the country and in the Washington, D.C., area.

The Certificate in Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) provides advanced training for mental health clinicians in the specialized role of consulting in early childhood settings. You’ll learn approaches to promote mental health in the early childhood years and how the role of consultant is unique from other mental health clinician roles, as well as how consultation aims to build the capacity of early childhood professionals, settings, and systems to support young children’s mental health.

You’ll engage with national experts in the field of IECMHC and instructors from Georgetown University’s Center for Child and Human Development, home of the Center of Excellence in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation. All faculty have created, implemented, and guided national IECMHC programs. You’ll leave the program equipped with the knowledge needed to effectively support well-being for young children, families, and professionals in early childhood settings in the consultant role. You will also develop a network in the field to promote and support your professional development.

The Certificate in Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Family Leadership prepares caregivers of young children as front-line peer support and community health workers. The coursework is designed to strengthen students’ understanding of early childhood mental health and family development through various methods of instruction from experienced instructors and national experts.

Students will gain practical experience by integrating coursework content with hands-on experiences, ranging from individual self-care to service delivery, so they are better prepared to support and empower other caregivers and work equitably in the communities they serve. Students will leave this program with the skills, knowledge, and motivation to effectively promote and support early childhood mental health and family resiliency with their peers as community health workers.

For more information and to apply

Please visit our web pages for the curriculum, schedule, tuition cost, and application for each certificate.

Please contact the Georgetown Enrollment Team at for additional information and assistance.

This product was developed [in part] under grant number 1H79SM082070-01 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The views, policies and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA or HHS.